1,967 research outputs found

    The determinants of research and development and intellectual property usage among Australian Companies, 1989 to 2002

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    This paper traces the innovation pathways of new creations from R & D activity through to intellectual property (IP) applications using enterprise panel data from 1989 to 2002. Our estimation method explicitly addresses the selection issues associated with missing R&D data which is a common problem among this type of data set. We find that R&D activity is a highly path dependent process that relies heavily on firm specific effects. These firm specific effects were subsequently found to be correlated with managerial style – more aggressive and intuitive managers have higher R&D ceteris paribus – and extensive use of incentive schemes for employees within the firm. In addition, we find that R&D is higher when the previous year’s enterprise debt ratio is lower, the speed of technological change is faster, the firm’s ability to absorb knowledge spillovers is greater and the product market is less contestable. Furthermore, these firms appear to be using the various methods of appropriation, IP and non-IP, as complementary packages to capture the quasi-rents from previous R&D expenditure rather than as substitutes.

    Passive microwave remote sensing of asteroids using the VLA

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    Precise flux density measurements made with the Very Large Array (VLA) of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory will be used to define the microwave continuum spectra of asteroids. These spectra will be inverted in order to estimate the near-surface bulk properties (radii, roughness, composition) independent of previous optical or infrared spectroscopy. The results for 2 Pallas, 4 Vesta and 10 Hygeia will be submitted for publication. The review chapter will be published and the results on Asteroid photometeric diameters will be published

    Het Fryer Dire

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    Lydia, Ardeb bedmaker no eth Panicle Landis Refry. Het seizable hips saw admen Capelin Leis, refrying myna derris whi ither arcs, struck, fiche, Merits Riant

    Lettuce Prey

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    Bill Webster, a direct descendant of Noah Webster, died on September 24, 2001. In his last letter to the editor, written only three days earlier, he noted I expect to improve on this, when I get a broader word base. Seams know won nose of a compleat list...Have well over 200, and adding continuously

    Rat Slink Trestle

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    Het weest ism tasted, Thaw era orad appels? Shore surname, eth ahorse rhamnose periled. Rented earthed Riding Horse created whit hocks. Ti saw whit retag ferlie, hes cloud being het frits mage

    Middle Names

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    For the purpose of this article, a middle name is a given name that can be centered in a dictionary word-the longer, the better. Two-letter names such as ED, AL, and JO can always be embedded (feEDer, deALer, banJOist), and I do not consider them further. Below is a type collection of nearly one hundred middle names of three or more letters; no doubt readers can add more. Six-letter names are hard to embed, and there is only one-seven-letter example. Often, one encounters agonizing near-misses like sCARLet, ePAULet and mAGNESia. I am indebted to the editor for adding a number of names to the list

    ISMS Taler

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    Nailer Later saw cheating na retax fro het Shingle stunted, ta Alined Bestrew Cholos. Eth slipup antler eth bets palsy fro HET Sword Mega


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    No, this title is not a German curse - rather, it is an instruction to Read This Brief Story. How so? Divide the title into the four words Dare Hits Fiber Tyros, and anagram the letters of each word into another word. Now try the same strategy on the following 225-letter story of a Scrabble tournament

    Common Ground

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    Although each of the names anagrams, first and last, doing so will not solve this puzzle. The solution is a pair of six-letter words
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